Mosquitoes can also transmit dangerous diseases in Germany Only recently the first West Nile virus infection in Germany was detected by mosquitoes in humans. Health experts are now pointing out not to neglect mosquito repellent. The little bloodsuckers can be kept away from mosquitoes with home remedies.
Health authorities are alarmed: over 150 cases of pneumonia In the area around the northern Italian city of Brescia, more than 150 people contract pneumonia within a week. The pathogen is believed to spread through drinking water. The population is called to take precautionary measures.
Do not eat after 6 p.m .: How useful fasting is in the evening But at what time of day do larger meals make sense? At least not in the evening mean many people who want to reduce their weight. They give up their supper in order to slim or stay.
Measles-sick man was traveling by bus and train: Health department warns fellow travelers The Miesbach health department (Upper Bavaria) is looking for contact persons for a man who is acutely ill with measles. The patient had traveled on a coach from Mainz to Munich on Friday, September 6, 2019 and from there traveled in the evening with the Bavarian Oberlandbahn (BOB) to Tegernsee.
Drug for the treatment of diabetes helps with heart failure German researchers were able to show for the first time that a certain diabetes drug affects the human heart muscle and improves heart function. Now there is hope for a therapy of cardiac insufficiency with preserved pump function.
How does a stroke affect the development of dementia? Unfortunately, more and more people around the world are developing dementia. Experts have long been trying to find out what could be the reasons for the development of dementia. Researchers have now found that a stroke can double the risk of developing dementia.