Why are there more and more eating disorders in today's society? More and more people suffer from so-called eating disorders. According to experts, the number of eating disorders reported annually worldwide has more than doubled in the past 18 years. This is due, at least in part, to increasing awareness of a wider range of disorders.
Low carb is one of the most popular diet cures. Instead of carbohydrates, those wanting to lose weight eat a lot of protein and fats. This diet is successful because there is hardly any feeling of renunciation. But how healthy is low carb? A study showed that life expectancy decreased by an average of 4 years.
A lack of oxygen also manifests itself in a headache. Simple breathing exercises (inhale deeply for five to ten seconds, hold your breath and exhale) can help here. (Image: Ramona Heim / fotolia.com) Author and source information Important note: This article contains general information only and must not be used for self-diagnosis or treatment.
How people with type 2 diabetes can protect themselves from the effects of COVID-19 People with type 2 diabetes are considered to be particularly at risk for serious illnesses with COVID-19, but a strict control of the blood sugar level can apparently protect them from more severe disease courses Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University's recent investigation confirmed again that people with type 2 diabetes were at higher risk for more severe COVID-19 courses, but it was also shown that with well-adjusted blood sugar levels, the risk of serious courses decreased.
Protect carbohydrates from dementia? Researchers have now found that a low-protein and high-carbohydrate diet can help improve brain health. This led to the assumption that eating carbohydrates could also help protect people from developing dementia.
If you are repeatedly tired after at least eight hours of sleep during the day, you should research the causes. Because the background can be serious: eight hours a night is still the common recommendation of doctors when it comes to sleep.